New AI from Hashnode. Is it worth giving it a try?

First impression -> pretty cool :)

ChatGPT results, are typically less "developer oriented", more of a trained text generator

So I guess under the hood of RIX they have supplied some extra cues for the AI model to

I like the "Code writer" thing, definitely provides better experience

Version 1 :

Version 2:
This time i've tried to add some extra info on the topic
Typical readme would have a basic description + it would have prerequisites for others to install

Below, you can see results of interaction with RIX

Deploy Amplify Console and AppSync API


  • Node.js installed

  • An AWS account

  • The AWS CLI installed and configured


1. Clone the amplify console repo

This will download the source code of the Amplify Console from GitHub. Amplify Console Repo

git clone

2. Go into the amplify-console directory

This will change the current working directory to the cloned repo.

cd amplify-console

3. Install dependencies

This will install all Node.js packages required to run the Amplify Console.

npm install

npm install documentation

4. Initialize Amplify

This will walk you through setting up the Amplify project.

amplify init

amplify init documentation

... (continues explaining each step with links and 3 sentences)

Not bad :)